The Foundation’s #RheumChampion Initiative Amplifies Patient Voices

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Every patient with a rheumatic disease has an important story to share. That’s why the Rheumatology Research Foundation launched the #RheumChampion initiative.

This program amplifies the voices of patients and caregivers across the digital space. By sharing their powerful stories and experiences, this inspiring community lets others know they are not alone in their fight against rheumatic disease.

“Since as long as I can remember, I’ve been figuring out how to thrive and live a stronger, happier and healthier life. My passion lies in helping others do the same,” says #RheumChampion Liv Loo.

Our #RheumChampions are from all different backgrounds and locations around the country. We’re proud to support these individuals. Their contributions help the Foundation promote our research and raise awareness about the many issues faced by those with rheumatic diseases.

The program has evolved into a collaborative partnership where the Foundation and champions support each other to increase awareness throughout the rheumatic disease community.

We’re thankful for this community of storytellers and excited to see the program grow.

“I would encourage others to not get stuck in mourning the life they once had. This life is worth living and adapting to, so let’s do that and laugh along the way,” says #RheumChampion Jenni Weaver.

Make sure you’re following the Foundation on Instagram where we feature #RheumChampion content every week. We also spotlight a #RheumChampion in each edition of the Foundation Voice.

Learn how to join the program, meet our current champions, and view our Rheum Champion information.

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