As the largest private funding source of rheumatology research and training in the United States, the Rheumatology Research Foundation awards critical funding to researchers throughout the U.S. who are aiming to improve the health of patients living with rheumatic diseases.
How does the research process work?
Researchers identify a problem as well as a hypothesis about the potential solution. Funding is needed for further investigations such as laboratory research and clinical trials.
This is where the Foundation comes in.
To be considered for funding, a researcher applies for an award. The Foundation then uses a rigorous peer-review process to fund the best science by the most promising investigators.
Foundation funding has allowed researchers to shed insight into the causes and risk factors of arthritisArthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. Learn more. and systemic autoimmuneAny disorder in which loss of function or destruction of normal tissue arises from humoral or cellular immune responses to the body’s own tissue constituents.... diseases, and even enable patients to play a more active role in their care decisions.
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